Wellness Day : Treat Yourself !
Global Wellness Day serves as a reminder and a celebration of living well. It’s easy to forget about your needs; whether it be because you’re always taking care of others, or getting wrapped up in a busy routine. You can use Wellness Day as an opportunity to start a new habit or rekindle an old one.
About Wellness Day
This year, Wellness Day falls on Saturday, June 12th. Try to use the day for introspection. Ask yourself questions like, “Can I be living healthier?” Take stock of your life and see what small changes you can make to live better and set some attainable goals for the year ahead. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish between now and next year’s Wellness Day.
How to Treat Yourself With an at-Home Spa Day
Remember that all change starts with a first step, now matter how small. Start your journey of wellness off right by treating yourself to a wellness day at home. Here are our suggestions of just how to do it:
Take a Bath
This might sound a little mundane, but for Wellness Day take the time to make this bath special. Splurge on a great smelling bubble bath or bath bomb and light some scented candles. Take the time to really care for yourself, and roll up a towel to use as a pillow. Play some relaxing music like the BetterSleep Soft Piano Playlist.
Now that your muscles are nice and relaxed from your luxurious bath, it’s time for some mental wellness. Even if you only have 5 minutes to spare, a little meditation can go a long way. If you can meditate quietly by yourself that’s great, if not listen to one of the many meditations on the BetterSleep app. If you have half an hour to meditate, we highly recommend the Self-Love Body Scan meditation.
Have a Tasty, Healthy Lunch
Eating a healthy lunch doesn’t require amazing kitchen skills. You can eat a nutritious meal by putting something simple together like avocado toast or your favorite hummus with some cut up vegetables. Those of you who are confident in the kitchen can peruse healthy lunches on Pinterest to get inspiration for something new and exciting. Regardless of your skills, a healthy meal will make you feel great!
Try a Self-Massage
Time to treat your feet! Your feet literally go the extra mile for you every day, so it’s important to take the time to show them some love. Sit down comfortably with your knees bent and grab your feet with your thumb on your arch and your fingers on the tops of your feet. Use your thumb to start massaging in a circular motion, move up and down your feet slowly, focusing on whatever feels relaxing to you. Your feet are full of nerve endings so don’t be surprised if your whole body benefits from your foot rub!