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Managing Stress by Fidgeting
mental health / wellness

Managing Stress by Fidgeting

by BetterSleep
4 min read
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Fidgeting isn’t something you should feel embarrassed over. If it helps us create better, operate at our best, and even manage stress, what’s the harm?

You may have found yourself tapping your pen, your fingers, or even your feet up and done when you’re under pressure. Whatever the case, managing stress by fidgeting isn’t something to cause worry.

In today’s article, we’ll be explaining the benefits of fidgeting, why it helps us manage stress, and how it works. Plus, we’ll be helping you brainstorm ideas for fidgeting toys you can use to replace some of your fidgeting habits. Keep reading to learn more!

Does it work? How does it work?

There aren’t any factual answers as if fidgeting can help manage stress. However, there are many theories about how and if it works.

So, can it help you manage stress? Fidgeting may help us engage more when tasks are too mundane and simple for us, but it can also help us relieve stress during high-pressure moments when our stress is at its peak.

Think about a stressful situation you might have found yourself in. Maybe you had a presentation recently. Maybe you met your partner's parents.

Whatever the case is, you may have found yourself tapping, moving your toes, or even picking at your fingers.

In one study, stress was observed to cause fidgeting, however, for those who did fidget when under stress, it seemed to alleviate their experience with it. This suggests that fidgeting is often a result of stress, but it may help us deter it and deal with it more effectively.

There isn’t enough conclusive evidence to give a concrete answer as to why it may help with stress. We can only look at a few studies and some theories, but the evidence is promising.

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Different ideas for fidget toys to deal with stress

You may think your fidgeting is no big deal now because of the evidence of its benefits and its ability to help you cope with stress. However, it could be distracting, and your fidgeting habits may be unhealthy.

Maybe you bite your nails. Or maybe you constantly tap your pen when working, creating distractions for those working near you.

Finding a fidgeting toy may be the answer to your problems. Not only will you still be able to manage stress by fidgeting, but it may also help you eliminate any bad fidgeting habits you have.

Here are a few ideas for fidget toys you could use:

  • Stress ball
  • Fidget cubes
  • Fidget spinner
  • Playdough or putty
  • Chewable pendants or straws

It’s important to find a fidget toy that suits your lifestyle and habits and keeps you enticed, so you don’t go back to your old ways.

You might appreciate a fidget spinner or a sand stress ball. Finding the best stress balls, or in general, fidget toys for you to deal with stress, is crucial in getting rid of your bad fidgeting habits.

Closing thoughts

Fidgeting is something we all do from time to time. And, it’s not a problem. It may help us deal with stress and sometimes help us concentrate on tasks that may be seen as too easy or boring to us.

Make sure to share this with a friend, family member, or coworker who could benefit from learning the positive impact fidgeting may have!

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