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Facts and Myths About Blood Pressure and Sleep
sleep / wellness

Facts and Myths About Blood Pressure and Sleep

by BetterSleep
4 min read
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Blood pressure follows a daily cycle, from waking to sleeping. It starts to rise a couple of hours before you wake and continues to increase until peaking around midday. It then starts dropping and is at its lowest during the night while you sleep. Sleep and blood pressure are connected, but there is still a lot of misinformation about this relationship. Here are answers that will bust the myths and give you the facts.

What Effects Does Lying Down Have on Blood Pressure?

Results of studies that test blood pressure in different body positions are mixed. One study found that in nearly 1,300 men, readings were lower when lying down than when sitting. Another study got the same result, but only on the first reading. Subsequent readings showed no differences.

Unfortunately, this means that simply lying down in bed isn’t enough to drop blood pressure significantly. If you’re in bed but struggling to sleep, your blood pressure probably isn’t following the normal decrease in the cycle. If this happens frequently, it might be time to talk to your doctor about combating insomnia to avoid or manage hypertension.

Will Sleeping at an Angle Reduce High Blood Pressure?

The idea that sleeping with your head or upper body elevated will reduce blood pressure is a persistent myth with no evidence to back it. The idea is that the position allows blood to return to the heart more easily.

While there is no evidence that this is true, some research suggests that sleeping position can make a difference. Some doctors recommend sleeping on your left side to reduce pressure on the blood vessels that return blood to the heart. Others say that sleeping on your front can lower blood pressure.

Are Snoring and High Blood Pressure Related?

This one is true. Studies show that snoring, even without sleep apnea, predicts hypertension. In other words, if you snore, you are more likely to have high blood pressure. People with severe snoring and sleep apnea benefit from treatment, not just for the sleep disorder but also lower blood pressure.

Does Jet Lag Affect Blood Pressure?

Yes, jet lag can affect blood pressure. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is simply lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation correlates with several risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure.

Another important factor is the flying itself. At higher altitudes, the air contains less oxygen. This means your heart has to work harder to get oxygen to all areas of the body. For someone with normal blood pressure, this isn’t necessarily a problem. If you already have high blood pressure, it adds to the risks of heart disease.

Focus on Better Sleep for a Healthy Heart

One of the most dangerous myths about high blood pressure is that you’ll know it if you have it. Hypertension is a silent killer because it causes no symptoms. Measure your blood pressure regularly, get an adequate amount of sleep, and practice other healthy lifestyle habits to maintain normal readings.

If you struggle with sleep and high blood pressure, try managing stress. Meditation and exercise, for instance, are healthy habits that bothhelp you sleep better and lower blood pressure.

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