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Dream Dive: Pregnancy

Dream Dive: Pregnancy

by BetterSleep
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Pregnancy-related dreams can have many interpretations. You may be curious about the meaning of your pregnancy dream, but dreams do not have definite meanings. Your dreams are impacted by your waking life, including what you watch, conversations, thoughts, and more.

You might dream about being pregnant, about pregnancy tests, or have a variety of dreams while pregnant. If you put stock in a dream symbol or dream as part of a creative process, it's worth analyzing your dreams.

To understand your pregnancy dreaming and dreams about being pregnant, look deeply into your suppressed emotions. Here are some things that can bring some clarity to your dreams.

Dreaming About Being Pregnant

Before searching for a meaning to your pregnancy dream, take time to understand its context. Different aspects of your dream can warrant different meanings.

People believe that pregnancy dreams mean a baby is on the way. These dreams are common for women who want children and may yearn for a family. This is a normal dream when your thoughts and emotions are geared toward being pregnant.

At the same time, pregnancy dreams don't necessarily have to involve a child. They can symbolize any aspect of your life that is growing or progressing, like a new project.

This could be the birth of something new or being at the brink of personal growth in your character, relationships, or opportunities.

A Happy Pregnancy Dream

If you are happy about the pregnancy in your dream, your subconscious thoughts could be telling you that you're ready for new challenges and adventures. This dream is encouraging if you have contemplated taking steps towards something new; work, house duties, or dating.

These kinds of dreams of being pregnant can also mean you are ready for the journey of motherhood. A dream pregnancy is not a prophecy but can say a lot about your state of mind.

Having Tired Pregnancy Dreams

If you are tired and pregnant, you have a challenging decision to make, and the process has been dreadful. This kind of pregnancy dream could also be a warning to not be impulsive with your decision.

Someone You Know is Pregnant

Their creativity may inspire you if you dream about a pregnant person. They may be on the verge of doing something new and creative.

If they are tired, this dream could symbolize new problems they face but have been quiet about to those around them.

Dreaming About Twins

Dreaming about twins is generally positive. Think of it as receiving things in abundance or double. Babies can be a lot to take care of, and having twins is double the load. This dream could mean you need to show someone care.

Your subconscious could also be saying that you need more energy in a particular area of your life.

Dreaming About Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy dreams don't only consist of pregnant women. Seeing pregnancy tests in dreams also signifies receiving a new opportunity or entering a new relationship. These dreams could mean good fortune when the pregnancy test is positive.

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Dreaming During Pregnancy

Dreaming during pregnancy isn't just for the pre-pregnancy stage. Perhaps it is no surprise that many women experience changes in their dream patterns while pregnant.

A specific dream doesn't have to mean anything about your new life with a baby. A lot is going on in the body, including major hormonal changes affecting sleeping and dreaming.

More Frequent Dreams

Even though not all women report this, you might experience an overall uptick in dreaming while pregnant. If you are fatigued from pregnancy and nap more or sleep more at night, a simple increase in sleeping hours can explain this phenomenon.

Extremely Vivid Dreams

One change many women report is experiencing dreams that are much more detailed and vivid than usual. You might experience clear imagery and more intense emotions and even feel like they are happening in real life.

As long as the dreams are pleasant or neutral, there is no actual harm and maybe even some enjoyment to be had from these dreams. One downside is that you might need a little extra time when you wake up to remember where you are.

Improved Dream Memory

Many women say they have a better memory of their dreams while pregnant. If you typically find that dreams evaporate as soon as you wake, you might now have better recall, which can be interesting. Listen to and pay attention to what you remember.

Dreams of Motherhood

It's unsurprising to hear that many women, while pregnant, dream of their upcoming future state of motherhood. You are in great anticipation, preparing to bring a new person into the world. It's likely that you think about it throughout the day, so it makes sense that you'll also dream about it.

Anxiety Dreams

Dreams often reflect your day-to-day life, if not in actual content, at least in your emotional and mental state. Your dreams could have nothing to do with coming motherhood but are pervaded with a sense of worry.

This doesn't mean that you will be a bad mother or even an anxious mother. It is simply an expression of what worries you about the future. Anxiety over motherhood is not a bad thing. It communicates to you that it matters and that you are taking it seriously.

Anxiety dreams might also tell you very specifically what your greatest concerns are. You might, for instance, keep dreaming about being unable to connect with your newborn. This can help you better prepare by learning how moms and babies develop a bond.


The only problematic change in pregnancy dreaming is an increase in nightmares, which many women experience. Like anxiety dreams, these might reveal some deep fears you have about having children, so pay attention to them.

The problem, of course, is that nightmares are unpleasant and can prevent you from getting enough sleep. One study found that pregnancy nightmares strongly correlated with stress during waking life compared to non-pregnant women. Anything you can do to reduce or better manage stress should reduce nightmare frequency.

How Pregnant Women Can Get Better Sleep

Dreams are one disruption that can plague pregnant women and prevent adequate or quality sleep. Pregnancy's many symptoms and side effects are not conducive to sleeping: nausea and morning sickness, frequent urination, fetal movement, heartburn, snoring, and more.

You will most likely feel tired during the first and third trimesters as your body gets more uncomfortable.

All general advice will be helpful if you are pregnant and struggling with sleep. Good sleep hygiene, like exercising during your waking life, avoiding screens before bed, and sticking to a set bedtime, will help. You can also benefit from pregnancy-specific tips for sleeping better.

Sleep on Your Side

Sleeping on your side is the best position for getting comfortable during pregnancy. This can be difficult to adjust if you normally sleep on your back, but it's worth trying.

For your growing baby, sleeping on the left side is best. This promotes good blood flow, which sends more nutrients to the baby.

Use Pillows as Props

Even on your side, getting comfortable is notoriously difficult when pregnant, especially in the final months. Use pillows to keep your body in a position that feels best.

For instance, many women find it more comfortable to place a pillow between their knees to keep the spine in better alignment. Also, try putting one under your belly to support it.

Keep a Dream Journal

When it comes to pregnancy dreams, reflect rather than fight them to gain control. Keep a journal of what you remember and let it inform your strategies for managing stress and anxiety. You can also use it for later dream interpretation if you take stock of deeper meanings.

Talk to Your Doctor About Specific Symptoms

Talk to your doctor if one or more particular symptoms are keeping you from sleeping. They can recommend safe solutions or medications that might help, for instance, with heartburn or nausea.

You should also talk to your doctor if your sleep is persistently bad and you feel exhausted. This is normal to some degree, but you should be able to rest and get a good night's sleep most nights.

Lack of sleep during pregnancy has been linked to serious complications, so it's worth finding a solution. Poor sleep might contribute to the risk of developing preeclampsia or gestational diabetes.

These can increase your risk of having a premature birth. Poor sleep is also associated with longer, more difficult labor that results in a C-section.

BetterSleep Meditations for Pleasant Dreams

BetterSleep is a great tool for pregnancy. Use all the options, from sleep and sounds to gentle exercises, to ease into a better night's sleep.

For dreaming, try the many meditations that focus on gaining greater control over your pregnancy dreams:

  • Positive Dreaming. Use this meditation when what-ifs and worst-case scenarios plague your dreams.
  • Inspiring Dreams. If you need a little pep talk about coming motherhood, this meditation will help you manifest inspiring dreams.
  • Hypnosis for Pleasant Dreams. Self-hypnosis is a great tool for changing your mindset and behaviors. If you want better dreams and sleep, try this long but relaxing meditation and hypnosis practice.
  • Dream Visualization. Get more control over the content of your dreams with this meditation. Use it to manifest soothing dreams of easy delivery, a healthy baby, and a happy mother-child bond.
  • Dreamless Sleep. If you just want a night of rest without dreams, this meditation can help.
  • Nightmare Relief. Try this ten-minute meditation if you need to stop bad dreams fast. Nightmares are an additional stressor you don't need right now.

Dreaming about pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean you are going to get pregnant. And being a worried dreamer during pregnancy doesn't mean bad things will happen. Dreaming can mean a lot of things. Most importantly, pregnancy dreams can interrupt your much-needed sleep, so talk to your doctor if you struggle.

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