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Benefits of Tea for Anxiety
wellness / mental health

Benefits of Tea for Anxiety

by BetterSleep
4 min read
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From drinking an herbal tea at night to channeling your inner Brit and having it with an afternoon snack, there’s a reason tea is the second most popular drink in the world. The benefits of tea alone are worth pouring yourself a cup. Researchers have found that ingredients in tea can lift mood, improve focus, lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and more.

One of the best times to drink tea? At night! For years, herbal teas have been used to improve sleep quality. Keep reading if you’re looking for a new nightcap to help you relax and reduce anxiety.

How does tea help with anxiety?

No one is claiming that a single cup of tea will cure your anxiety (we wish that existed). However, researchers have found that certain ingredients in herbal teas can help with anxiety and stress. The tea plant (also known as Camellia Sinensis) contains l-theanine, a compound known to fight anxiety, help with stress relief, and balance mood.

Other ingredients found in herbal teas like lavender, chamomile, and mint also offer stress-relieving benefits. Additionally, taking time to prepare your tea and enjoy it is a great way tool to use to get your body into a calmer, more relaxed state for bed.

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The best herbal tea to drink at night

This may go without saying, but skipping the caffeinated teas at night is better to avoid disrupting your sleep. Here are some herbal teas to try that come with amazing benefits, from helping you get to sleep to reducing anxiety.

Valerian Root

Valerian root has natural sedatives in it called Valepotriates and Sesquiterpenes. According to the Sleep Foundation, 90% of people reported improved sleep after drinking Valerian tea.


This famous calming tea is known to help reduce anxiety and insomnia. There’s an antioxidant in it called Apigenin which, according to Sencha Tea Bar, “targets neurological receptors to decrease stress and induce sleepiness.” According to Healthline, Chamomile was also traditionally used to treat stomach issues and can help with gas and stomach inflammation. It also is loaded with antioxidants that can help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and more. Feel calm in your mind and body with this powerful herb.


Passionflower is an amazing relaxing tea knownto reduce anxiety, menopause symptoms, body aches, and even coughs. This powerful vine calms your central nervous system and can help you have a better night’s sleep.

Lavender Tea

Lavender tea doesn’t only smell amazing, but it also helps you relax and fall asleep. Lavender fragrance has also been shown to improve sleep quality, so make sure you take time to take in the scent of your brew.

Other ingredients in herbal teas that help with sleep and relaxation

Reminder: Check with your doctor before adding teas to your routine to ensure there won’t be any adverse effects with any medications you may be taking.

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