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10 Sounds of Relaxing Instruments to Try While You Meditate

10 Sounds of Relaxing Instruments to Try While You Meditate

by BetterSleep
4 min read
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Have you ever tried meditating with simple instrumental music? If you haven’t, you should definitely try these 10 relaxing instrument sounds during your next relaxation meditation.

Why Listen to Relaxing Instruments During Meditation?

If you’re new to meditation, you may find it challenging to calm your thoughts without any sounds or prompts to guide your way. While it may come easy for some people, others need to work at it first. This is where music comes into play.

Music is even used as therapy in some parts of the world. Plus, according to some studies, music can have the same stress-reducing effect as meditation. Using both music and meditation together can help you multiply those benefits and stay focused on the present moment.

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The 10 Best Relaxing Instrument Sounds to Try During Your Next Meditation

  1. Flute: Flutes are commonly used during meditation, especially Chinese bamboo flutes (called the dizi). But many other types of flutes exist
  2. Piano: Piano music has a wide range of styles. For meditation, it’s best to listen to piano music with a slower tempo to help you slow your heart rate and breathing.
  3. Tribal drums (djembe): The djembe is a drum originally from West Africa. It’s a loud, versatile drum that can produce a wide variety of sounds.
  4. Wind chimes: Wind chimes aren’t traditional instruments in the sense that no one “plays” them. Instead, the wind makes them sing. This creates an uneven, soothing sound similar to white noise.
  5. Bass: While the bass isn’t the usual instrument people think about when they want to relax, the truth is that acoustic bass music can be quite soothing.
  6. Orchestral drums: A variety of drums can be used in an orchestra. When people think of drums, they’ll usually refer to snare drums, bass drums, or tambourines.
  7. Tibetan bowl: Tibetan singing bowls produce different frequencies based on their size. Both types of sounds they emit — the growing volume of the ‘singing’ or the decaying frequency when you hit the singing bowls directly — can be extremely relaxing and help you focus during meditation.
  8. Bamboo fountain: Okay, this one isn’t a musical instrument. But it might as well be one since its calming, steady sound can have a similar relaxing effect to music.
  9. Duduk: A duduk is a woodwind instrument that originates from Armenia. It produces a deeper sound when compared to the flute
  10. Indian drums (tabla): This type of drum produces a very stable, rhythmic sound. It’s great to layer in with other sounds or with guided meditation.

Want to give one of these a try? With BetterSleep, you can find all of these relaxing instrument sounds and so much more. The best part? You can combine any number of sounds together to create your own custom mix. Try BetterSleep today to create the perfect meditation mix for you.

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